METU Graduate School of Social Science Best Thesis Award, 2021:

Saraçoğlu, Duygu (2021). The effect of technology convergence on cross-sectoral co-evolution: the case of automotive & ICT sectors. METU Graduate School of Social Science Best Thesis Award, PhD. Thesis.

METU Graduate School of Social Science Best Thesis Award, 2021:

Coşkun, Beyza (2021). Fablabs and their contribution to sustainability in the context of socio-technical systems.METU Graduate School of Social Science Best Thesis Award, MSc. 


Best PhD Thesis Award, 2020:

Ege,  Ahmet Alper (2020). Analyzing the incidence and causes of field of study mismatch, Turkish Economic Association (TEK-TEA) best PhD Thesis award.

METU Graduate School of Social Science Best Thesis Award, 2020:

Durukan, Cansu (2020). Entrepreneurial decision-making in the video game industry: a study on entrepreneurs based in the METU Technopark, METU Graduate School of Social Science Best Thesis Award, PhD. Thesis.


Best Young Scholar in Evolutionary Political Economy:

Saraçoğlu, Duygu (2019). Is there a cross-sectoral co-evolution based on convergence between automotive and ICT sectors, 11. European Meeting on Evolutionary Applied Economics, Best Young Scholar in Evolutionary Political Economy.

METU Graduate School of Social Science Best Thesis Award, 2019:

Doğan, Muhsin (2019). Emergence of research and innovation activities in the chemical industry at the beginning of the twentieth century: The case of IG Farben and Du Pont, METU Graduate School of Social Science Best Thesis Award, Phd Thesis.

Dr. T. Fikret Yücel Research Award, 2019:

Seskir, Zeki Can (2019). Current state of quantum information technologies in Turkey, Technology Development Foundation of Turkey (TTGV) Dr. T. Fikret Yücel Research Award, MSc. Thesis.


Best thesis award 2018, Parlar Foundation:

Konaç, Enver Hakan (2018). Academic Entrepreneurs: Motivational Aspects, Challenges and Success Criteria in Technology Development Zones in Ankara. (Advisor: Prof. Dr. Mehmet Teoman Pamukçu).

Best Developmental Paper:

Durukan, C., Narooz, R., and Wasti Pamuksuz, N. (2018). Best Developmental Paper in Cultural and Creative Industries Track. 32nd Annual BAM Conference.


TÜBİTAK H2020 eşik üstü ödülü:

European Plaza Modern Science and Innovation Promotion H2020 Proje Değerlendirme Puanı: 15 üzerinden 12.50 (Eşik 10).

TÜBİTAK H2020 eşik üstü ödülü:

Improving inclusion and labour market transition for young adults in Europe through Lifelong Learning. IMPAKT-L2 - H2020 Proje Değerlendirme Puanı: 15 üzerinden 14.


Bilim Akademisi Genç Bilim İnsanları Ödülü(BAGEP):

Doç. Dr. İ. Semih Akçomak.


METU Graduate School of Social Science Best Thesis Award, 2015:

Aslan, Duygu (2015). Sources and benefits of social capital for technology-based firms in STPS: Case of METU Technopolis, METU Graduate School of Social Science Best Thesis Award, MSc. Thesis.


Serhat Özyar Honor Award for Ph.D. Thesis: 

Fındık, Derya (2014). ICT adoption, software investment and firm efficiency in Turkey, Serhat Özyar Honor Award for PhD Thesis.


Supervision for best thesis award 2012, Parlar Foundation:

Sönmez, Alper (2012). Examining the impact of foreign firms on technology transfers to domestic suppliers in the Turkish automobile sector. (Advisor: M. Teoman Pamukçu) PhD Thesis, Department of Economics, METU.