TEKPOL Pizza Semineri_08112024_Zeki Seskir
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TEKPOL' ün kuruluşunun 20. yılı kapsamında gerçekleştirmeye başladığımız Pizza Seminerlerine 2024-2025 Akademik Yılı Sonbahar Dönemi'de yeni seminerlerle devam ediyoruz. Bu dönem de bazı seminerlerimiz yüzyüze, bazı seminerlerimiz Zoom üzerinden olacak şekilde hibrit bir sistemde ilerliyor olacağız.
8 Kasım 2024 Cuma günü gerçekleşecek olan dönemin üçüncü semineri ODTÜ kampüsünde IIBF A Binası F 106 numaralı salonunda saat 12:30'da yüzyüze olarak gerçekleşecektir.
"Operationalizing Path-dependency for Anticipation and Social Impact: A Case on Energy Futures and Climate Impact of Quantum Computers" başlıklı seminer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology'den Zeki Seskir tarafından sunulacaktır.
Programın moderatörlüğü ODTÜ TEKPOL'den Prof. Semih Akçomak tarafından gerçekleştirilecektir.
Kayıt olunması zorunludur. Kayıt formuna https://forms.gle/CK8WBABsUMPch5AT9 bağlantısından ulaşılabilir.
Seminerden önceki Perşembe günü akşamına (7 Kasım 2024) kadar kayıt olmak mümkündür. İlgilerinize sunarız.
Bilim ve Teknoloji Politikası Çalışmaları – TEKPOL
Konuşmacımız Zeki Seskir Hakkında:
Zeki C. Seskir is a researcher in the field of technology assessment (TA) at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) - Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS) and coordinator of the project "QuTec: Quantum Technology Innovations for Society." He conducts landscaping studies on quantum technologies (QT) ecosystems, education and outreach research in QT, and conceptual exploration for ELSA research for QT to be utilized in TA capabilities. His background is in Science and Technology Policy Studies (STPS) and in Physics with a focus on Quantum Information Science. He published on topics such as the QT start-up ecosystem, publication and patent landscape, stakeholder engagement, and democratization of QT. His research interests cover a wide range of topics from quantum games to innovation ecosystems.
Seminer hakkında:
In the last two decades, with the introduction of smartphones, then cryptocurrencies, and recently with novel LLM-based A.I. tools, the energy consumption projections of global ICT infrastructure is much growing higher than previously anticipated. This brought up the question for yet another developing ICT novelty, quantum computers. Will they add to this consumption pattern or will they be the key to bring energy consumption of ICT down? Currently, it is hard to tell, especially since the path-dependencies of quantum computers are still not locked-in and there are multiple futures in flux. This creates room for anticipatory action and implementation of methods such as value-sensitive design into both research and development processes. In this talk, I will discuss the energy futures and climate impact of quantum computers as a case on how to operationalize the concept of path-dependency for anticipation and social impact.